Private Detective,
Bug Sweep Expert,
BPI Perth is uniquely positioned to provide a most reliable and credible bug sweeping service. Unlike most private investigators advertising bug sweeping services, our principal technician is industry accredited in Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures (Bug Sweeping).

If you find that you need the help of a private detective, you want to make sure that you choose someone professional and reliable. BPI in Perth has the necessary experience and discretion to resolve your issues quickly and smoothly.
Why BPI?
Our Principal James Milligan has conducted and overseen thousands of investigations addressing commercial, criminal and domestic related matters. As a police Detective Sergeant, he was seconded to the multi-jurisdictional, National Crime Authority Investigations contingent, based in Victoria for three years. He there was involved in investigating and prosecuting high level serious criminal activity throughout Australia.
James visited the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom whilst involved with research into Identity fraud related crimes. This included attending formal meetings with Senior Attorneys at the Washington based United States Department of Justice and with Fraud Investigators at the FBI and NYPD. He met with the Ontario Provisional Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada before liaising with senior fraud squad detectives attached to the City of London Police.
James has been an Insurance Fraud seminar presenter in most States of Australia and has addressed the Parliament of Western Australia on insurance related issues.
In terms of relevant supporting academic background, James holds the following qualifications:
- Bachelor of Science (Security) Edith Cowan University (ECU)
- Graduate Certificate Computer Security (ECU)
- Diploma Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (Bug Sweeping), Vanquish UK.
- Certificate 4 Motor Vehicle Logistics
- Master’s Degree Criminal Justice, University of Western Australia (UWA)
James Milligan also has a long term background as a senior executive with a government financial sector agency.
Associate Investigators engaged from time to time to support large scale operations of BPI Perth are required to meet strict ethical and competency standards, ensuring that our Clients receive value for money and that the utmost confidentiality is maintained.
Given our unique qualifications in Security Science and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) together with our comprehensive and sophisticated array of Bug Sweeping detection equipment with a detection range out to 26.5 GHz we are best placed to address your concerns about illicit listening devices, covert miniature cameras and wire taps. We have competently provided TSCM services to Corporations, Businesses and private entities for many years.
Our vast experience and relevant qualifications, together with our budget rates make BPI Perth the wisest choice when you need a private investigator or qualified Bug Sweeper in Perth.

When seeking an obligation free quotation for Bug Sweeping services, be sure to call BPI Perth from a secure telephone and not from within your residence, commercial offices, motor vehicle, aircraft or vessel that may be already compromised.